Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Trip Report: Finding Pascal (Day 5, Part 2 | July 2021)

 We wandered over to Big Thunder, but the line looked pretty long so we decided to pass. I heard a Cavalcade coming so we stopped to watch. 

Instead of staying on this side of the park we went to Tomorrowland-we often gravitate to that land. We rode the People Mover because that’s never a bad choice. I stopped into some gift shops. I was looking for the light green ears. They give me Tiana vibes. I also checked some gift shops in Fantasyland, but wasn’t successful. Maybe they’ll release them again someday. 

I wanted to take pictures of my Gus Gus bag. So I took some at the Cindereall fountain behind the Castle. I also took some in front of the Castle with my dad helping model.

It was time to start going back to the hotel so we slowly made our way out. As we went down Main Street I looked at the windows. There are so many fun touches and references. We also checked out some shops like the Aribas one which I normally don’t look at. I’m becoming a fan of glasswork.

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