Thursday, August 6, 2015

March 2013 Trip Report: Day 3, Part 2 (Be Our Guest)

There had been some debate about whether we would eat at Be our Guest and when. Some people didn’t want to wait, but I definitely did.

So, we decided to suck it up and get in line around 10:45 and our food was delivered by 11:05  so it wasn’t a bad wait.

I was so happy because we found a table in the West Wing. I felt bad because we sat at a six-top, but I was eating in that room.

I got the turkey sandwich which I loved. It’s probably the best sandwich I’ve ever had and I still think about it. The turkey was very moist and the onions, tomatoes, and Dijon worked very well together.

I don’t remember what they got but here are some pictures.

When we left the line was all the way down to Gaston’s Tavern. Having an early lunch definitely worked in our favor.

We walked through Storybook Circus to check it out. It’s a cute area but not my cup of tea. I’m guessing I’ll like it more when I have kids.

Next, we went to Tomorrowland to do Monsters Inc Laugh Factory. I had never done it before and wouldn’t be (for now). We were in line for about five minutes when an announcement came on that the show was done and we would have to leave.

So, we decided to head back to the hotel. Before going to the room we stopped at the market so dad could buy a Mickey waffle air freshener and a bottle of water to freeze and use on my still injured foot.

Up Next: Hollywood Studios

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