Thursday, July 2, 2015

March 2013 Trip Report: Day 1, Part 1 (Getting There)

I didn’t start taking notes until we got to Orlando, so some of this is from memory alone.

This was on my phone:
We got up early and headed to the Buffalo airport. We live in Rochester, NY but Buffalo is a bigger airport and has more options. For flying-not food. The food options (especially for breakfast) are severely lacking. So, I grabbed a smoothie and then we settled in to wait for our plane.

If we can, we like to get the first flight of the day. I believe this one left somewhere between 7:30 and 8:00. We were supposed to land at MCO around 10:30.

I HATE flying. I’m afraid of heights, have anxiety, and am incredibly sensitive to air pressure changes. So, I’m usually afraid, anxious, and in pain while on a plane. So, I basically black out the whole flight experience and don’t remember it.

The plane did land a little early. Yay!!!

And we got to the good old Magical Express around 11 AM. We got on our bus fairly quickly, but were toward the back of the bus, so I couldn’t get very good pictures.

My dad has horrible luck when it comes to lines and that extended to our Magical Express journey.

The bus stopped at four hotels-Polynesian, Grand Floridian, Wilderness Lodge, and the Contemporary. Of course we were last.

Side note: apparently I thought our driver-Brian-was very funny.

My brother and Katie arrived about an hour earlier and were able to request one of the two rooms we really wanted.

My dad and I are hyper-planners. Part of this involves us finding room views so we can make specific requests. Now, Touring Plans has all the views which is super exciting.

When we went to check in…we couldn’t. The reservation system was down so we left our carry-ons with Bell Services and headed to the Grand Floridian for lunch.

It was nice to see the DVC construction. This is my favorite resort and I’m very happy with the DVC addition.

In my notes I say that it was windy and 54 degrees, but this this is fine because it’s better than the winter weather at home.


These feelings will not last.

Anywho…we went to Gasparilla’s.

I got the pepperoni flatbread. It was pretty average. My last trip I got the personal pepperoni pizza from here like every day so this flatbread had some high expectations to live up to.

My dad got the chicken cordon bleu and Denise got the corn beef Panini.

Dad said his was good and Denise said her’s was amazing.

After eating we walked around the resort to take in the new kid’s splash area and more of the DVC construction.

Up next: The monorail and Epcot

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