Thursday, May 30, 2019

Trip Report: Night at Disney Springs (December 2018)

If you missed the last post, you can read it here

After our journey through the Christmas Tree Trail we spent more time at Disney Springs.

We did some shopping including the recently refurbished World of Disney. The store is still a madhouse, but it is harder to get lost in which is nice. I picked up a few things. I did a trip haul on my YouTube channel.

Then, it was time to try the Void. I wanted to do the Ralph Breaks the Internet one, but my parents wanted Star Wars. I do really like Star Wars, but feel like the Ralph one will go away first.

Even with the reservation we had to wait for a long time. First, we waited in line, then we waited inside after signing our waivers, then we waited in a room, then we waited in another room. It was a little frustrating. I know only like 4 people can go at a time, but they need to do something about the boring wait time. 

The Void was a really fun experience. I've never done a VR thing so my bar may be low, but I think others have also praised it. The video was crisp and realistic unless I was looking at my parents. My dad actually had a disembodied arm for a few times. And my stepmom got scared a few times. I don't want to go into too much detail, but there was some height stuff and I basically had to push her. In a loving way. There's a lot more movement involved than I expected. 

Overall, I liked the Void and would recommend it. I would be interested in doing it again, but I am apprehensive of giving up park time to wait in line for a ten-twenty minute experience.

Then, we hit up the Daily Poutine for the Italian poutine. It was good, but not as good as the original. We took in some of the atmosphere and then headed back to the Poly.

We stopped at Captain Cook's for dinner-I think just my dad and I did. He got the Thai Cocunut meatballs which he really enjoyed. I got the pulled pork nachos without pineapple, because the pineapple is gross. It's a dish I've gotten before and recommend.

We tried to catch the electrical water pageant, but got some bad information on when it would swing by the Polynesian. But there would be other nights to check it out. So, we went back to the room and relaxed before going to bed.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Trip Report: Christmas Tree Trail (December 2018)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

Next, we were off to Disney Springs. We took a bus. There was an ad for the Void which we were planning on doing anyways. So, I made a reservation for this evening.

My parents were going to see Mary Poppins Returns. My stepmom is a huge fan of the original. I had no interest and am not the biggest fan of the original-don't hate me. 

I took the time to wander around Disney Springs. I checked out some Christmas decor and stores. Then, I got a table near The Daily Poutine. I sat down and took some notes on our trip so far.

After they finished with their movie we met back up. They did enjoy the movie-if you care. Then, we were off to check out the Christmas Tree Trail. 

The trail is really cool and there were some pretty unique trees. Like there were Mulan and Haunted Mansion ones. I expected the Frozen one. Oh, and Robin Hood which just doesn't get enough recognition. The trees were so detailed and interesting. There was also posters and other theme-ing around the trees.

My only issue was the people. It was a little crowded which was expected, but people need to be more aware of those around them. I would wait "in line' to take pictures and people would just jump in front of the tree even though people were obviously waiting. I really just wanted pictures of the trees and up close shots, but didn't want to be in their pictures. Eventually, I just stopped caring and did what I had to do.

The trail is beautiful and a great free thing to check out at Disney for Christmas.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Trip Report: Breakfast at Boma (December 2018)

If you missed the last post, you can check it out here.

On our third day we got to wake-up at the Polynesian. We had a late breakfast reservation. That plus our late night at the Christmas Party allowed us to get up slowly. I enjoyed some time on our little patio.

After getting around, we ordered a Minnie Van to take us to the Animal Kingdom Lodge. We actually ordered it when leaving our room as we headed to the lobby. The driver must of already been at the resort because the wait time was like 2 minutes. We got to the resort a little bit before our 10:30 reservation at Boma so we looked around the gift shop.

While I was in there, a Cast Member came up to tell me I had a phone call. I was confused at first, but took the phone. It ended up being a phone call from Goofy wishing me a happy birthday. It was very cool. Love that pixie dust. 

Then, it was breakfast time. There was a CM just outside the restaurant teaching kids how to play drums and they were having fun. The restaurant was pretty full, but the buffet was kind of empty so we got our first food quickly.

Boma is a loud restaurant. The food is good, but not my favorite. My parents loved it and think it is a must do. I do love the juice though. Our waitress did bring me a little birthday cupcake-complete with candle. Again, the pixie dust is awesome.

Once we finished our breakfast we spent some more time at the resort. I specifically wanted to look at all the Christmas decorations. Dad and also headed outside to look for some animals.

It was a pretty nice day-a little chilly but the sun was shining bright.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Trip Report: Wishes...Or You Know (December 2018)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

We got a pretty good spot. We were able to be on the curb of Main Street. It was diagonal from Casey's. I was especially grateful to have a place to sit. We were planning to hang out and wait for the parade after the fireworks. 

Do these fireworks actually have a name? I have no idea. They were good, but I'm not the biggest fan in general.

Then, we watched the masses leave while we waited for the second performance of the parade. I have been strategically avoiding things about the Once Upon a Christmastime Parade. I mean, I know aspects of it like those weird reindeer, but I wanted my first full experience to be in person. 

And it was finally time!

I'm actually a really big fan of nighttime parades. RIP SpectroMagic. 

I really enjoyed the parade. There are also many different characters and floats are very well done. And it was great to have such an up close view. I also enjoyed the music, but it isn't my favorite parad ever. 

As more people headed out we went to Tomorrowland to try and get one more ride in. We got on Buzz and fought the Evil Emperor Zurg. I didn't make galactic hero, but I am happy with my score.

Then, the park was closed so we had to make our way out. We slowly headed to the exit and said Good-bye to the Magic Kingdom. We also got to to see the snow/snoap on main street which is pretty magical. I'm sure it's even better if you aren't from somewhere with snow. 

We got on the monorail and made our way to the Polynesian. I unpacked and set up the little Christmas tree I brought. Then, it was bedtime after a long day.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Trip Report: Icing Up the Castle (December 2018)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

On our way to the front of the castle we stopped at the Diamond Horseshow for more treats. Hear they had eggnog and (I think) snicker doodles. They were also handing out GoGo Squeeze, but they ran out right before I got to the CM. I didn't get eggnog because I think it's gross.

When we got to the front of the castle (or off to the side)  they were finishing up the Mickey's Most Merriest Celebration. I wasn't particularly interested in seeing it.

After a little bit, Elsa, Anna, and the gang came out to celebrate. Olaf and Anna are especially very fun. I do wish I had been able to see the old show with the fairy godmother, but I still enjoyed this. There is something very magical about seeing the lights come on and ice up the castle.

There was some time to kill before the fireworks and parade, so we were off to Fantasyland. Naturally, we stopped by the Tangled bathrooms, because they are the best. There was a lost little boy. He went to another mom to say he had lost his mom. I started to go find a CM when the mom finally came up. I'm so glad everything worked out. Tons of people were trying to help the little boy and the mom was so grateful. 

We got more treats at Pinocchio Village Haus. Here they had all the cookies you could get at the party.

We sat down and rested for a little bit. I only ate one cookie because I wasn't very hungry and was trying to be healthy. I did see a mom and daughter with the most beautiful ears.They were see through and I had never seen anything like them before. I told them how nice they were. Here's a link to the Etsy shop they got them from and a picture. I had to ask where they got them from.

On our way out of the restaurant some CMs were handing out samples of edible cookie dough. I I ate it later in the week and was very good.

Then we went on another ride on the TTA, because why not? I love this attraction even more at night. And it's great to see people enjoying the park and party.

Before heading back to the front of the castle we hit up Gaston's Tavern. I wanted to try the Vanellope eclair because I love her. My dad split it with me. It was good, but pretty sweet and nothing particularly impressive.

After our quick snack we were off to get a spot for the fireworks.