Thursday, May 9, 2019

Trip Report: Wishes...Or You Know (December 2018)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

We got a pretty good spot. We were able to be on the curb of Main Street. It was diagonal from Casey's. I was especially grateful to have a place to sit. We were planning to hang out and wait for the parade after the fireworks. 

Do these fireworks actually have a name? I have no idea. They were good, but I'm not the biggest fan in general.

Then, we watched the masses leave while we waited for the second performance of the parade. I have been strategically avoiding things about the Once Upon a Christmastime Parade. I mean, I know aspects of it like those weird reindeer, but I wanted my first full experience to be in person. 

And it was finally time!

I'm actually a really big fan of nighttime parades. RIP SpectroMagic. 

I really enjoyed the parade. There are also many different characters and floats are very well done. And it was great to have such an up close view. I also enjoyed the music, but it isn't my favorite parad ever. 

As more people headed out we went to Tomorrowland to try and get one more ride in. We got on Buzz and fought the Evil Emperor Zurg. I didn't make galactic hero, but I am happy with my score.

Then, the park was closed so we had to make our way out. We slowly headed to the exit and said Good-bye to the Magic Kingdom. We also got to to see the snow/snoap on main street which is pretty magical. I'm sure it's even better if you aren't from somewhere with snow. 

We got on the monorail and made our way to the Polynesian. I unpacked and set up the little Christmas tree I brought. Then, it was bedtime after a long day.

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