Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Trip Report: Feeling that Florida Heat (Day 2, Part 2 | July 2021)

 With our snacks finished, we continued around the World Showcase. We finally found Remy in Japan! That was the hardest one of the whole festival I think. We continued our hunt in Germany and China, but we didn’t get anything to eat.

When we got to Norway, we did pop into Kringla. Neither of us have eaten here before, but we had seen some good things online so we wanted to try the almond kringla. While in line we impulsively purchased the lefse. The lefse was a hit with both of us. It reminded me of putting cinnamon sugar and butter on my toast as a kid. The kringla was a bit dry for me. I don’t think it was poorly made, its just a drier item.

After our treats and some free cups of water, we continued to Mexico. We rode on Three Caballeros. We also checked out our recent favorite: the glasswork cM in the Mexico pavilion. It’s always fascinating to see him work.

As is usually the case in Mexico, we could not find Remy. We probably searched the whole thing three times before finally finding him. Since we finished our loop of the World Showcase, we headed to Future World. We stopped at the Odyssey building to refill our water bottles and go to the bathroom.

First, we checked on Test Track, but the line was too long for us. Instead we went for Spaceship Earth. Sadly, it wasn’t as cool in there as we expected. My picture didn’t come out either. My dad said it was because the guy in front of us raised and blocked me. I’ve since had other issues so it could be a larger tech problem. 

Then, we decided we were done with Epcot so we took the monorail to the TTC. We planned to try and tour the Grand Floridian DVC villas since I’ve never seen them. For some now forgotten reason we got off at the TTC and decided to walk to the Grand.

Things started going downhill during this walk. We had to stop part way through the Poly because I didn’t feel good. I was feeling a bit confused. I was definitely overheated and in retrospect probably approaching heatstroke. I thought I was taking care of myself, but I guess not. I think it may have been an electrolyte issue, because when I added a Powerade everyday I felt better.

Once we got to the Great Ceremonial House, we sait in the lobby for about 30 minutes so I could rest and drink some water. Dad kept saying we could just go back to our room. I really wanted to get to Magic Kingdom tonight to watch Happily Ever After.

I started to feel better so we continued on to the Grand Floridian. We wanted a few minutes for a guide and then toured a two and three bedroom villa.

Up Next: Final Happily Ever After

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