Thursday, January 24, 2019

Trip Report: Good-Bye, Mickey! (October 2017)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

Before saying bye to the park, my parents needed to stop in the Confectionery to pick up some candy. I stopped in the Chapeau to buy a Flynn pin I had seen earlier. I also listened to the phone in there.

Someday I want to take a few hours and just check out all those little things and spend time to take detailed pictures. Maybe I should add that to my bucket list.

Then, it was time to say good-bye...or maybe I should say "See Ya Real Soon."

My parents went to the monorail and I headed to the bus stop. Of course this time a bus pulled up quickly. This bus driver was really into interacting with the passengers. Before we took off he asked who was going swimming. Then, he said all the pools were closed because it's too hot. 😂

Before I knew it, I was back at the hotel and waiting for my Magical Express bus. I updated my trip notes and charged my phone while waiting. I had about 40 minutes until my pick up time. 

I got to soak up those Florida/Disney smells and heat for one last time. The weather was actually perfect in the shade. 

Eventually the bus came. I promptly fell asleep until we got to MCO. I'm pretty sure I always do that. I'm like a baby and easily fall asleep in moving vehicles.

I was able to see the good-bye video from Mickey and the gang. My parents were already waiting right inside the airport. We went through the TSA pre-check line at security which was easy breezy. Then, we got on the faux-monorail and were on our way to the Southwest terminal. 

We got some food at the airport food court and flew home.

That's the end of this vacation.

And another trip report will be starting soon. And I'll be going to Disney again in December 2019 for a father-daughter trip.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Trip Report: Muppets Take Liberty Square (October 2017)

If you missed the last post, you can read it here.

After finishing up our breakfast, we saw the town crier.

It was in that moment we realized we had completely forgotten about the Muppets history show. So we looked up the show times. One was set to start in a few minutes so we were off to the Hall of Presidents area to watch.

They do a couple different shows and this one was about the Declaration of Independence. It was funny and witty-like you'd expect from the Muppets. I'm glad we were able to catch the show.

Then, we went to use our Big Thunder Fastpasses. It is such a welcome ride. And it's another great thing to do on our last day.

We stayed in Frontierland and hit up Country Bear Jamboree. I'm surprised this show is still around especially considering it's content. But I'm glad because I love it. And I highly recommend checking it out. 

Next, we had Space Mountain fastpasses. So, we headed back to Tomorrowland.

Naturally, we went by way of the Tangled bathrooms. Mostly so I could take more pictures-especially of my Rapunzel ears. 

It was only about 10:40 when we got to Tomorrowland. Our fastpasses weren't until 11:05 so we took one last ride on the TTA. I'm sure I've said this before, but it's an amazing and relaxing ride.

My dad wasn't feeling food and wasn't up for Space Mountain so I was on my own. Of course I was put in the front car at the very front. That spot is always scarier-at least for me. 

I wanted to take a funny picture, but I forgot what side the picture was taken on. So, I meed that up.

When you're on the moving walkway after the ride they show people's names. I know they did that on It's a Small World, but not Space Mountain. It's a nice touch.

Up next: Good-bye, Mickey!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Trip Report: The Beginning of the End

If you missed the last post you can check it out here.

Today, is the day we have to leave the happiest place in the world. 😭

I got up at 6:45. I think that was the earliest I woke up the whole trip. I did my last minute packing and then dropped my bags of with airline check in. They were having some technical difficulties with printing my luggage tags, but I wasn't in too much of a hurry and it got sorted out eventually.

I was in line for the Magic Kingdom bus by quarter to 8. I had to be back to the hotel in a few hours. My Magical Express would be leaving for the airport at 1:05. But I still had a few hours in the park. 

Security was a little crazy but I was able to walk to a table all the way on the left and got right through. 

The security guard saw my Sudoku book in my bag and asked if I was leaving today. I told her I was and she said I couldn't leave. From your lips to God's ears lady! 

My parents had texted that they were in the shops on the right side of Main Street. We decided to meet up in Tomorrowland. Before I met them, I stopped in the Emporium. I picked up the VHS Beauty and the Beast notebook. 

Then, I was off to Tomorrowland. I actually ran into my parents by the purple wall/rocks.

We had FastPasses for Buzz, but the standby wait was only 5 minutes, so we did that first.

And I sucked. 

I only got like 19,000 points.

Then, we went through the Fastpass line. I did better this time with over 200,000. So, no galactic hero this trip. 

And it was finally breakfast time. I was reunited with my loves: a fruit and Nutella waffle and Odwalla lemonade. The sandwich was great as expected an the lemonade was perfect.

It was a very good last meal of the vacation.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Trip Report: Will We Be Rained Out Again? (October 2018)

If you missed the last post, you can read it here.

Around 8:30 we left Pandora to get our seats for Rivers of Light. It was a little hard-we had to talk to 2 castmembers just to find the right entrance. 

It did sprinkle a little before and during the show. But I would not be stopped. I pulled out my poncho and covered my camera so I could take videos and pictures.

The show was pretty, but nothing mind-blowing. Even I'm getting tired of the water screens and I'm like a water screen apologist. The screens also weren't very clear. The music wasn't as gripping as the other nighttime shows. I did like when it turned to a water fountain show. 

I'm glad I saw it, but I don't feel the need to see it again. 

When the show was over the park was closed so we made our way to the exit with the hordes.

I didn't have to wait very long and was on my way to the hotel by 9:50. Thankfully, it was a short ride back to Music.

I stopped by the front desk to confirm how to check out, put some Powerade in my reusable mug, and went to the room. I showered and packed as much as I could before going to bed at 11.