Thursday, January 3, 2019

Trip Report: Will We Be Rained Out Again? (October 2018)

If you missed the last post, you can read it here.

Around 8:30 we left Pandora to get our seats for Rivers of Light. It was a little hard-we had to talk to 2 castmembers just to find the right entrance. 

It did sprinkle a little before and during the show. But I would not be stopped. I pulled out my poncho and covered my camera so I could take videos and pictures.

The show was pretty, but nothing mind-blowing. Even I'm getting tired of the water screens and I'm like a water screen apologist. The screens also weren't very clear. The music wasn't as gripping as the other nighttime shows. I did like when it turned to a water fountain show. 

I'm glad I saw it, but I don't feel the need to see it again. 

When the show was over the park was closed so we made our way to the exit with the hordes.

I didn't have to wait very long and was on my way to the hotel by 9:50. Thankfully, it was a short ride back to Music.

I stopped by the front desk to confirm how to check out, put some Powerade in my reusable mug, and went to the room. I showered and packed as much as I could before going to bed at 11. 

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