Thursday, January 10, 2019

Trip Report: The Beginning of the End

If you missed the last post you can check it out here.

Today, is the day we have to leave the happiest place in the world. 😭

I got up at 6:45. I think that was the earliest I woke up the whole trip. I did my last minute packing and then dropped my bags of with airline check in. They were having some technical difficulties with printing my luggage tags, but I wasn't in too much of a hurry and it got sorted out eventually.

I was in line for the Magic Kingdom bus by quarter to 8. I had to be back to the hotel in a few hours. My Magical Express would be leaving for the airport at 1:05. But I still had a few hours in the park. 

Security was a little crazy but I was able to walk to a table all the way on the left and got right through. 

The security guard saw my Sudoku book in my bag and asked if I was leaving today. I told her I was and she said I couldn't leave. From your lips to God's ears lady! 

My parents had texted that they were in the shops on the right side of Main Street. We decided to meet up in Tomorrowland. Before I met them, I stopped in the Emporium. I picked up the VHS Beauty and the Beast notebook. 

Then, I was off to Tomorrowland. I actually ran into my parents by the purple wall/rocks.

We had FastPasses for Buzz, but the standby wait was only 5 minutes, so we did that first.

And I sucked. 

I only got like 19,000 points.

Then, we went through the Fastpass line. I did better this time with over 200,000. So, no galactic hero this trip. 

And it was finally breakfast time. I was reunited with my loves: a fruit and Nutella waffle and Odwalla lemonade. The sandwich was great as expected an the lemonade was perfect.

It was a very good last meal of the vacation.

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