Thursday, January 24, 2019

Trip Report: Good-Bye, Mickey! (October 2017)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

Before saying bye to the park, my parents needed to stop in the Confectionery to pick up some candy. I stopped in the Chapeau to buy a Flynn pin I had seen earlier. I also listened to the phone in there.

Someday I want to take a few hours and just check out all those little things and spend time to take detailed pictures. Maybe I should add that to my bucket list.

Then, it was time to say good-bye...or maybe I should say "See Ya Real Soon."

My parents went to the monorail and I headed to the bus stop. Of course this time a bus pulled up quickly. This bus driver was really into interacting with the passengers. Before we took off he asked who was going swimming. Then, he said all the pools were closed because it's too hot. 😂

Before I knew it, I was back at the hotel and waiting for my Magical Express bus. I updated my trip notes and charged my phone while waiting. I had about 40 minutes until my pick up time. 

I got to soak up those Florida/Disney smells and heat for one last time. The weather was actually perfect in the shade. 

Eventually the bus came. I promptly fell asleep until we got to MCO. I'm pretty sure I always do that. I'm like a baby and easily fall asleep in moving vehicles.

I was able to see the good-bye video from Mickey and the gang. My parents were already waiting right inside the airport. We went through the TSA pre-check line at security which was easy breezy. Then, we got on the faux-monorail and were on our way to the Southwest terminal. 

We got some food at the airport food court and flew home.

That's the end of this vacation.

And another trip report will be starting soon. And I'll be going to Disney again in December 2019 for a father-daughter trip.

Stay tuned!

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