Thursday, November 30, 2017

Trip Report: Will We See Rivers of Light?

If you missed the last update you can read it here.

It was hard to see where we were going, but we made our way to a building with an overhang to try and make plans. 

Being a glasses wearer, rain is extra sucky. It makes it even harder to read. Like I might as well not even wear my glasses. 

I think the building may normally be used for meet and greets because there was nothing going on and it was mostly lines. Shortly, after we got there, the doors were opened as a rain shelter.

The Animal Kingdom CMs were incredible during all of this. Kudos to all of them.

After waiting inside for a little bit we were off again.

Seriously, the puddles were crazy. At one point, we were walking on the landscaping to avoid them. Other people were doing the same thing. Only one person could go at a time so it was interesting. The other guests were being nice and respectful. 

When we got to the Rivers of Light entrance, the CMs said a decision hadn't been made about the show going on or not. They said we could wait in the Finding Nemo theater. It was open as another rain shelter and the CMs there would keep us updated.

We went there. It was nice to sit down in some A/C. It was actually a little chilly. And again, the CMs were great. They were friendly, offered towels, answered questions, and were checking on us.

A little after 8 they made the call-no Rivers of Light. But the 9:15 show might still happen. So we had to decide if we would keep waiting it out or not.

While we decided we checked out Dinosaur. We walked right in and the pre-show had already started.

Then, it was ride time.

It is such a good ride. I forgot when the picture was so the look on my face in the picture is half fake terror and half shock.

When we got off, it was still raining and we were finished. I wanted to get the Animal Kingdom You Are Here mugs so we headed to Creature Comforts/Starbucks.

On our way, we noticed a Tree of Life show so we stopped to watch. It started with a Pocahontas theme and then moved onto other songs and animals from various animated movies. It was a cool show. While the rain had lightened up a little, I wasn't risking my phone or camera.

I bought my mug and we were out of there. A bus came pretty quickly and I think I was in my room by like 9:30. I unpacked, took a body shower, and went to bed.

Steps Walked: 15,605

Up next: Bon Voyage!

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