Thursday, February 25, 2021

Trip Report: Homecomin’ Dinner (Day 2, Part 4 | November 2020)

If you missed the last post, you can read it here.

Next, we headed off to Storybook Circus. This is another area we don’t typically spend a lot of time in. We stopped at the Tangled bathrooms, because if you have to go to the bathroom, stop at the best ones.

We went for a ride on a flying elephant. A couple trips ago my dad and I got in the same Dumbo and it was a tight squeeze. This time we decided to ride separately. We walked distanced from each other. In retrospect, I’m not sure why we thought we had to do that. The Castmember called us being together, but wanting to sit separately.

Then, we moved onto the Barnstormer. If I’ve ever read this it was when I was little so I don’t count it. This is another one I didn’t want to wait in a long line for, but was interested in. It was fun, but it was a very fast ride. Also, this was one where we should’ve separately. We asked a CM and she thought we would be fine.

The park was closing so we started to head out. We were able to walk through the castle and it wasn’t crowded at all. There are a lot of problems with the current situation, but this is a definite perk.

Walking down Main Street we saw Molly again. This time we stopped and said “Hi”. She was just as nice in real life as on her videos. She also complimented my Childless Millennial shirt.

For dinner we had reservations at Homecomin’. We walked to Contemporary to catch a bus to Disney Springs. We had some time to kill before our reservation so we did some shopping. It started raining on and off while we were going around. There was a line to get into World of Disney, but it was probably only ten or fifteen minutes.

Homecomin’ was good. We got the deviled eggs, because a lot of people rave about them. They were good-huge, but light and fluffy-but didn’t blow us away. We also got the shine cake for dessert. We don’t usually get dessert, but I wanted to try it. The moonshine isn’t cooked out, but doesn’t taste like alcohol at all. And I always taste alcohol in things. I would go back just for the cake.

I wasn’t feeling very good after dinner so we called it a night. We walked back to Saratoga Springs, showered, and went to bed.

Steps walked: 22,862

Up Next: Day 3!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Trip Report: Lunch & Princesses (Day 2, Part 3 | November 2020)

If you missed the last post, you can read it here.

Now, it’s time for lunch. We decided to leave the park for lunch. We were hoping to see the new barns at Tri-Circle D Ranch. So, we took a boat to Fort Wilderness. The transportation CMs at the dock were so nice and friendly. It was a little bit of a wait-maybe 20 minutes. It’s important to remember to build buffer-time especially during Covid with all the social distancing.

For lunch we mobile ordered at P&J’s Take-Out. I got a kid’s cheeseburger meal. I can’t remember what my dad got, but I believe he finally tried a kid’s meal. And he is a convert. Seriously, they are the best deal.

Then, we headed to the horse barn. Unfortunately, it closes at 3 and it was like 3:02. We should’ve gone first or at least researched first. Well, you live and learn..

Since we couldn’t see horses, we checked out the gift shop. Then, we got back on the boat to get back to Magic Kingdom. 

We went to Haunted Mansion. You just walk through the first room for now. I do miss it, but I also completely understand the change. It’ll be back some day.

Then, we decided to go to Adventureland. On our way we ran into a character cavalcade. This was a princess one. Merida was on her head. There was also Belle, Tiana, Rapunzel, Ariel, Snow White, etc. They were in their winter outfits which are adorable.

After we said “hi” to some princesses, we continued our journey to Adventureland. First we did the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. This is another ride I’ve never done, but since the lines weren’t bad we figured it would be and goes pretty fast.

Then, we were going to do Pirates of the Caribbean, but the line was a little long for us. So, we called an audible and switched to Country Bears Jamboree. I thought I saw Molly from All Ears. We followed for a little bit and dad said it wasn’t her so we went to Country Bears. While waiting for the next show to start, I went on Instagram and saw a post of Molly in the same outfit. We should’ve just said her name. Oh, well.

Country Bears was fun like it always is. I’m always scared Disney is going to get rid of it, so it's a must do for me. We stayed in Frontierland and went for another spin on the wildest ride of the wilderness.

Up Next: Homecomin’ Dinner

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Trip Report: Tomorrowland Fun (Day 2, Part 2 | November 2020)

If you missed the last update, you can read it here.

Then, we were off to Tomorrowland. We did the Speedway because the line was short. I always want to try it, but am not willing to wait a long time. We rode separately and if I did it again I would go together. It definitely felt harder than I expected.

Next, we got in line for Space Mountain-completing the three Magic Kingdom mountains. This was another line that looked very long-outside the regular queue-but it moved consistently. It was a little sad without all of the normal screaming. I did get a compliment on my Childless Millennial shirt from the CM. I kind of think it was the same CM that complimented me on the last trip which was also to Space Mountain.

We stayed in Tomorrowland and got in line for Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin. I a lot.

Up Next: Lunch & Princesses

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Trip Report: Magic Kingdom! (Day 2, Part 1 | November 2020)

 If you missed the last post, you can read it here.

Almost 12 hours of sleep later, I woke up. I just got up, ate my bagel, and got ready for the day.

We left the room around 9:30. Today we were off to Magic Kingdom. I always feel like a visit to Magic Kingdom is when the vacation really begins. A bus showed up shortly after we got to the bus stop and we were able to get right on. Our plan going into this trip was to avoid rope drop. A huge part of this was that we were hoping this would prevent issues with catching the bus. So far it was working.

At the park, we went through security which was easy just like Animal Kingdom. The turnstile said “Welcome Home” when I scanned my Magic Band. It also lights up purple if you’re a DVC member. I’m only a member-in-name-only. They’re my parents’ contracts, but this way I get teh perks. And they’ll be mine someday!

The park was already decorated for Christmas.It’s my favorite time of year so I love seeing the Disney Christmas decorations. 

This was also our first in-person look at the new Castle colors. I didn’t love it in pictures, but do like it in person. Do I prefer the original blue Castle? Yes. Am I angry about this one? No.

We didn’t have much of a plan for the day so we looked at lines/wait times. Typically we check both the official Disney app and the Lines app from Touring Plans. 

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad ended up being our first stop. It’s definitely one of my favorites so definitely a great way to start the day. It was a complete walk on. Then, when we got off, the line was very long. Maybe they were doing a cleaning cycle now.

Then, we hopped in line for Splash Mountain. It was a longer line-out near that main walkway in Frontierland-but it moved pretty quickly. We decided to ride it since we were in the area. Dad and I are both a little scared of Splash, but this could be our only time to say good-bey before it changes. I didn’t keep my eyes open during the drop, but wasn’t as scared as I’ve been in the past. 

 I stopped in the gift shop because I really wanted a Brer Rabbit plush. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any. I’m still hopeful I'll find one before it closes.

Up Next: Tomorrowland Fun