Thursday, February 18, 2021

Trip Report: Lunch & Princesses (Day 2, Part 3 | November 2020)

If you missed the last post, you can read it here.

Now, it’s time for lunch. We decided to leave the park for lunch. We were hoping to see the new barns at Tri-Circle D Ranch. So, we took a boat to Fort Wilderness. The transportation CMs at the dock were so nice and friendly. It was a little bit of a wait-maybe 20 minutes. It’s important to remember to build buffer-time especially during Covid with all the social distancing.

For lunch we mobile ordered at P&J’s Take-Out. I got a kid’s cheeseburger meal. I can’t remember what my dad got, but I believe he finally tried a kid’s meal. And he is a convert. Seriously, they are the best deal.

Then, we headed to the horse barn. Unfortunately, it closes at 3 and it was like 3:02. We should’ve gone first or at least researched first. Well, you live and learn..

Since we couldn’t see horses, we checked out the gift shop. Then, we got back on the boat to get back to Magic Kingdom. 

We went to Haunted Mansion. You just walk through the first room for now. I do miss it, but I also completely understand the change. It’ll be back some day.

Then, we decided to go to Adventureland. On our way we ran into a character cavalcade. This was a princess one. Merida was on her head. There was also Belle, Tiana, Rapunzel, Ariel, Snow White, etc. They were in their winter outfits which are adorable.

After we said “hi” to some princesses, we continued our journey to Adventureland. First we did the Magic Carpets of Aladdin. This is another ride I’ve never done, but since the lines weren’t bad we figured it would be and goes pretty fast.

Then, we were going to do Pirates of the Caribbean, but the line was a little long for us. So, we called an audible and switched to Country Bears Jamboree. I thought I saw Molly from All Ears. We followed for a little bit and dad said it wasn’t her so we went to Country Bears. While waiting for the next show to start, I went on Instagram and saw a post of Molly in the same outfit. We should’ve just said her name. Oh, well.

Country Bears was fun like it always is. I’m always scared Disney is going to get rid of it, so it's a must do for me. We stayed in Frontierland and went for another spin on the wildest ride of the wilderness.

Up Next: Homecomin’ Dinner

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