Thursday, July 30, 2020

Trip Report: 4.3: Mama Melrose’s (December 2019)

If you missed the last update, you can read it here.

After Star Tours we stopped in One Man’s Dream which is a great exhibit. The video they were showing was from Frozen II. It definitely made me want to watch it ASAP.

Then, we popped into Toy Storyland. We didn’t do anything in particular-just killed some time.

Then, it was time for our early dinner reservation at Mama Melrose’s. We were doing the Fantasmic package which we had done a few years ago and thought it was valuable.  They no longer include an appetizer-just an entree and dessert. Personally, I would take an appetizer over dessert, but that’s me. Dad and I both decided to buy an app anyways.

It was a good meal as per usual. Although the chairs were murder on my back. I was starting to feel miserable but I will push through.

Up next: A Painful Evening

Thursday, July 23, 2020

More Star Wars (December 2019)

If you missed the last update, you can read it here.

Then, we headed out of Galaxy’s Edge. When we walked by Muppet Vision they said it was last call so we headed in. I changed our Muppets FastPass to one for Indiana Jones at noon which would be soonish. Muppet Vision 3D is such a fun attraction and I always think it's funny.

We were going to do standby for Star Tours next, but Touring Plans recommended holding off. So, we went to the bathroom and then headed to Indiana Jones. We got there around 11:35 and got to sit pretty close to the “stage”. It felt extra chilly on those metal benches. I broke out my scarf and updated my notes.

I know this show hasn’t changed, but I still really like it. I can’t explain why.

Then, we walked on Star Tours two times in a row. I also did some shopping in the gift shop. We got to see the service dog again! I love seeing service dogs. After shopping we rode Star Tours one more time-this time with our FastPass.

Up next: Mama Melrose’s 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rope Dropping Galaxy’s Edge (December 2019)

If you missed the last update, you can find it here.

Our plan today was to rope drop Hollywood Studios. My alarm was set for 7:15, but I ended up waking up a little earlier-around 7. I got up, showered, and put on some layers. It was going to be another chilly day.

It took about 5 or 10 minutes to catch a bus and the bus definitely filled up. Security at the park asked about my reusable straws. I definitely think security is more thorough now.

We got through the gates and made our way onto that main street. I have no idea what it’s called. It was definitely crowded and they didn’t want you on the sidewalks at all. That makes sense-the CMs need to work and guests need to get to restaurant reservations. 

Around 8:45, they started walking us back to Galaxy’s Edge. There were tons of Cast Members lining the streets and keeping you in line and organized. At Star Tours, there was a CM with a service dog. The dog was wearing Yoda ears and holding a lightsaber in its mouth. It was adorable and people did stop and take pictures. 

The line for the Millenium Falcon wrapped back to Toy Storyland. Most of the guests were respectful and followed the line.

We were in line for about an hour before getting to ride. I ended up as a gunner and my dad was an engineer. I liked the ride and enjoyed myself, but wouldn’t want to wait in line for an hour again to ride it. 

After our ride, we walked around Galaxy’s Edge. We considered going to the Cantina, but the line was absolutely crazy. We split a blue milk. Actually my dad drank most of it, because I was not a fan. I thought it tasted like a tropical lifesaver which is probably my least favorite flavor.

Kylo Ren and Strorm Troppers were out and engaging with guests a lot. I also tried using the Play Disney Parks app, but was having trouble using it. 

Then, my dad and I both got a Ronto wrap. It was good, but I don’t think it was worth $13. Next, we looked around the markets. It was nice to stop in the little stalls-it had a real market feel.

Next update: More Star Wars!

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Trip Report: Finishing a Chilly Epcot Night (December 2019, Part 4)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

Next, we decided to do stand-by for Test Track. Does anyone else think this is the most boring queue? We did some trivia on the Disney Parks Play App (or whatever its called).

There were some obnoxious teens behind us. They were part of the chorus for the show. I’m not particularly uptight, but please don’t swear and talk about drugs in Disney World-especially when kids are around.

My grandma did text me my daily cat update while we waited in line. He spent the whole day watching impeachment hearings. I like my cat to be educated.

It was a fun ride, but that outside loop was really cold. My hair was all over the place!

We were going to ride Spaceship Earth next with our Fastpass. On our way, we saw the Electric Umbrella was still open. My dad really likes this restaurant and we thought it was going to be permanently closed by the time this trip came. So, it was another Christmas miracle.

We decided to do our ride, then come back for a late dinner. It was toasty warm inside Spaceship Earth which was really nice. It always feels like a nice warm hug coming in here when it's cold outside.I enjoy this attraction but I prefer the Jeremy Irons narration.

Then, we mobile-ordered at Electric Umbrella. I got a kid’s meal and they gave me an extra side and drink, but they let me keep them. I highly recommend kid’s meals. You get so much food for a great price. I love getting the fruit sides and keeping them in my bag for a snack later.

My dad got the brisket. It was a recommendation from Craig on the DisUnplugged podcasts. He said he liked it, but the cheese made it hard to eat.

We hit the bathrooms and then we were off to see Epcot Forever with another FastPass. WE got there at 9 and there were already tons of people. I sat down and started updating my notes.

The torches were lit so we were hopeful Epcot Forever would include the blowing out the torches part from IllumiNations. That’s my dad and I’s favorite part. Spoiler: It’s not there :(

Epcot Forever was good, but not my favorite. And I wouldn’t say it’s a must do. I wish they had the original audio and not re-done with kids’ voices.

After the show, we moseyed on out of the park. We were able to just squeeze on a bus. Then, we went straight to bed. 

Total Steps Walked: 14,677

Up Next: Rope Dropping Galaxy’s Edge