Thursday, February 28, 2019

Trip Report: Waking up in Disney World (December 2018)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

After a short night, I was awake. It was kind of a restless night because I kept expecting our bags to show up.

You might wonder why I would think that.

Because I called the front desk and was told our bags would be delivered when they arrived.

But when I woke up I saw there was a message on our phone. It was from around 2 AM and was bell services letting us know our bags were here and to let us know to call them for delivery. In retrospect, this makes so much more sense.

My parents were still sleeping, so I called down. It only took a few minutes for the bags to show up.

Then, I took a shower and we all got around for the day. We were checking out of the Boardwalk and had a late breakfast reservation at 11:20 at Trattoria al Forno. 

Apparently, I was pretty tired and didn't take very many pictures this morning. I do wish I had-especially of the hotel room.

Then, we were off to the Bon Voyage breakfast. Just like last time, we really enjoyed our meal and experience.

I was wearing a Zetus Lapetus button form Parkbound Buttons which our waiter recognized. I also had to explain to my parents about the greatness of Zenon. 

They no longer give you fruit or yogurt as an appetizer which was a little disappointing. But you still get more than enough food. I got the same thing as last time-the Tangled eggs. I really like that Sunday gravy.

The characters were fun and great to see. Flynn and Rapunzel are both just amazing. They play with each other so well. Flynn kept shouting "Blondie!" to get her attention. And she would call him Eugene constantly.

As much as I loved meeting them, it was even better to see them with other guests-young and old(er). You get to see so many fun and magical interactions.

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