Thursday, February 21, 2019

Trip Report: A Rainy Boardwalk Night

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

We landed in Orlando just before 8 PM. So, about an hour and half later than originally planned.

We deplaned, hit up the bathrooms, and grabbed the faux-norail. Then, we were in line to catch the Magical Express. There were a decent amount of people waiting, but nothing crazy. And I finally wasn't the only one wearing ears! My dad said people were eyeing my ears which I think was great because I didn't think they were my best work.

After just a few minutes, the bus came and we were able to board. I don't remember were all we stopped, but I think we were the third stop.

We had already done online check-in. But I needed to stop at the front desk so I could get my Birthday button. We also got directions to our room.

It was a little after nine, so we dropped our carry-ons off in the room and did a quick look at the view.

I'd been hoping to see IllumiNations. We ended up on the 2nd floor/1st floor of rooms. It was a little late so that could've factored in, but we couldn't see anything. I could hear some fireworks though.

Then, we headed down to the boardwalk to get dinner.

We checked a few places like the kiosks and the pizza counter. In the end, we each got a personal pizza. I went with the pepperoni so it was faster than my parents' who got the other two more specialty pizzas. I'm sure they have pepperoni more ready to go than others.

It was fine and standard Disney pizza.

Then, we went to Ample Hills for dessert. I ended up getting a waffle bowl sundae which is way more than I was expecting. It comes with 3 scoops of ice cream and was way too much food for me. I think I at less than half.

My parents also got sundaes. The Cast Members were really nice, but there were some women there who kept getting samples. They really monopolized the CMs' time so there was quite a delay in getting all our stuff. I'm pretty sure they were highly intoxicated. And my parents (who left after me) said they never bought anything. 

I grabbed a seat in front of the bakery window. There was a CM boxing up cookies and it was cool to watch her work. And eventually a manager walked through and tried to get my attention. My stepmom had to point her out to me. Once I saw her she mouthed "Happy Birthday!" to me.

Let me say, all these CMs  must have some kind of radar for the birthday buttons. Even if my button was at a weird angle or something they always saw it..

Then, we were tired so we headed back to the room.

I took off my make-up and basically went to bed. Our bags hadn't arrived yet. Fortunately, I wore leggings today so it wasn't that big of a deal for me. 

The drama of our bags can be saved for the next post because it did carry into day 2.


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