Thursday, July 26, 2018

Trip Report: Wrapping Up the Night

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

From Hollywood Studios, we caught a bus to Wilderness Lodge. Our plan was to eat dinner there. It took quite awhile to get a bus and I don't complain about Disney transportation easily-see earlier rant. There were 5 Saratoga Springs busses that left empty before we got our bus.

There was a duck waiting in line with us which was cute.

This is a good time for another PSA: don't feed the animals.

But we did eventually get a bus and were off to the resort. My parents talked to a nice couple with 3 kids. Their kids were beautiful and the youngest was performing Disney songs for us.

Once at the hotel, we headed straight to Geyser Point and grabbed a table. I ordered a water (gotta stay hydrated) and the smoked turkey sandwich. It tasted OK, but I was starting to crash again. Plus, I was still a little full from my milkshake.

The restaurant/bar is a nice place to hang out. There was a nice breeze off the water.

Then, we went to the boat dock. The plan was to catch the electrical water pageant which is a favorite of my dad's. I was too tired and needed to get back to my room.

While we waited four our boats (Contemporary for them and Magic Kingdom for me) we were swarmed by bugs. A boat captain told us they're called midges. They don't bite, but are very annoying.

My parents left first. My boat stopped at Fort Wilderness before heading to Magic Kingdom.

There was a Halloween Party scheduled for that night. There was a family of five behind me dressed like Star Wars characters. The parents were Han and Leia while the kids were Luke, Chewie, and Darth Vader. They were very cute. It was nice to see some of the party lighting and stuff from outside the park.

I did have to go through security to get to the bus stop. It was painless and after a 5-10 minute wait I caught a bus. 

At the hotel, I stopped at the gift shop to pick up packages I sent back to the hotel. In the room, I prepped a little for the next day and then went to bed. My plan was to sleep in the next day.

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