Thursday, July 19, 2018

Trip Report: More Family Time

If you missed the last update, you can read it here.

After our second snack at Baseline Taphouse we decided to use one of our complimentary FastPasses at Toy Story Midway Mania. We happened to run into some family who also had FastPasses.

Hayden, one of my cousin's kids wanted to ride with Mr. Grumpy Pants (my dad) so I rode with my stepmom. I did pretty good for me and was best in the vehicle with 141,000 points.

Hayden and family had FastPasses/Rider Swap tickets for Tower of Terror. My stepmom decided to use her last bonus FastPass to go with them.

First, we had to stop so the little ones could meet Sophia from Sophia the First. Then, it was off to the Tower of Terror.

It was time for the baby to have a bottle. Since dad and I both aren't fans of Tower of Terror we said we would take care of her so both her parents (Dan & Lisa) could go for a ride.

Apparently, Hayden has no fear and liked riding with my stepmom. He was asking her to ride Expedition  Everest with him tomorrow. We all chatted for a little while and then parted ways again.

Before leaving, we stopped at the Tune-In Lounge. I wanted to try the PB&J milkshake. I've heard so much about them. It was good and the flavor wasn't overpowering like some can be. And it was super-filling-I couldn't even finish it.

Then, it was goodbye, Hollywood Studios. Nice knowing you!

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