Thursday, June 28, 2018

Trip Report: Breakfast with Family & Friendship

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

I won't like, it was a little hard to get out of bed this morning. I can't remember if I've already said this but for the last few months I've been struggling with extreme exhaustion. I knew it could be an issue while on vacation and I was able to push through for the most part. I also decided to use my cross-body bag instead of my backpack to take weight off my back.

After getting ready, I was out the door. We had breakfast reservations at Crystal Palace. Every other morning, the bus line for Magic Kingdom had been crazy so I wanted to leave early.

Of course I got lucky and a bus pulled up right as I got in line. I even got to sit because others wanted to stand. I won't turn down a seat. While on the bus I updated my trip notes since I was too tired to do it last night.

There were a ton of people at the park, but security wasn't bad.

I stopped at the bathrooms by the main entrance. Those suckers are swanky. I would've taken pictures but I didn't want to be creepy if anyone came in.

Then, I made my way up Main Street. I took some pictures and chilled on the hub grass. I had about 45-minutes to kill before breakfast.

After hanging out for a few minutes, I heard the sweet sounds of the Trolley Show. This is one of my favorite things and one of my dream jobs. I thought I'd miss it this trip, so I was glad to have the opportunity to watch it. 

After the show, I met up with my family. We waited on the patio/porch outside Crystal Palace. There were about 20 of us and we were seated pretty quickly.

Piglet visited us almost immediately when we sat down. I didn't even have time to get food.

When I got food, my first plate was mostly carbs. The second plate was more savory.

Pooh and Eeyore stopped by for pictures. When I got my last plate of mostly fruit, Tigger came.

All the kids did that parade where they walk around the restaurant. I don't know what it's called but it was cute.

The characters were great with the whole family-especially the kids. Hayley  (one of the youngest) was really loving it. Overall, the food was good. And I love a restaurant that gives you free refills on juice. I didn't like everything I tried, but that's what's good about buffets-you can try a lot of things.

Up next: Being Touristy

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trip Report: An Evening of Nostalgia

If you missed the last update, you can find it here.

After letting more of the crowd leave, we were off to the Haunted Mansion.

On our way, we saw my cousin Lisa sitting with her baby across from the Liberty Belle. We stopped to chat and she showed us some pictures of her daughter watching the fireworks. It was very cute. 

Then, some more family came by so we talked some more. We also learned that my great aunt passed away. It is sad, but she had cancer and lived a good life, so we tried not to dwell on it.

We talked some more and then were off the the Haunted Mansion. But the line was all the way out of the queue, so we switched to Big Thunder. We figured we could use on of our DVC-earned FastPasses. We walked over via the wooden walkway along the water. This is our favorite way to go the Frontierland. 

After a fun ride on a runaway train, we headed back to Haunted Mansion. The wait time was still a little long-posted at 49 minutes, but we decided to get in line anyways. Plus, there's the interactive queue to help pass the time. I do really like this attraction, but it does creep me out-especially at night.

Then, we headed toward Fantasyland. I suggested trying Dumbo if the wait wasn't bad. I haven't ridden it since I was six. Apparently, we were doing some classics tonight.

Dumbo was only ten minutes. There was like no line, but there was a delay because the CM heard a weird sound. that's fine because I'm on team "Safety First".

Just dad and I rode. And we decided to sit together for old time's sake. That was a mistake. Both of us need to lose some weight and we were like sardines in a can. It was a fun, but fast ride. I will admit to being a little scared about being in the air.

Then, we decided to go to Buzz because the app said it was a 15 minute wait. It was really a walk-on and we were into Extra Magic Hours now.

At first, I was really sucking, but I pulled it together. I ended up 335,000. I may not be a galactic hero this time, but I am a Space Ace.

After that we were tired so we headed out. I guess I won't be crossing the Kiss Goodnight off my bucket list this vacation.

We did stop and each got a smoothie at Auntie Gravity's in Tomorrowland. It tasted good, but didn't agree with me. 

My parents stopped at the Emporium for some shopping, but I went straight to the bus stop. There was a bus waiting for me and I even got to sit. That was some perfect timing right there.

When I got to the hotel, I just headed to bed because I was so tired. Normally, I try to at least prep for the next day, but didn't have the energy. Gotta rest up for tomorrow.

Steps walked: 13,885

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Trip Report: Two New Nighttime Shows

If you missed the last update, you can read it here.

Getting a spot for the fireworks show was just total craziness. The park felt super-crowded and there was like nowhere to sit/stand. I'm going to hope this is because the Happily Ever After show is still so new.

With 45 minutes to go before the show, the 3 of us were finally able to squeeze in somewhere. It was a tight fit but we were even able to sit. About 10 minutes before start time there was an announcement to stand up and fill in all available space. In the end, I think we ended up with a decent spot.

The Happily Ever After show was good and I like that some lesser celebrated movies like Hercules and Hunchback were in it. But it's also a little long-especially on tired and achy feet. We decided to try the dessert party next time to avoid the crowds. We actually tried to make reservations this time, but made that decision too late and couldn't get any.

Here's my vlog with the Happily Ever After Show so you can see our view. We were a little to the left if you're facing the Castle. It was back toward the hub grass.

Especially since there were so many people we decided to just stick around for the Once Upon a Time projection show. This way some of the crowds could (hopefully) leave the park.

It was another good show. Although it is weird to have two shows with lots of projections back-to-back. Is this how people feel about the water screens at Fantasmic?

And here's the video with the Once Upon a Time show:

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Trip Report: Going on a Carousel Ride

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

As has become our tradition we took a boat ride over to Magic Kingdom. I really like going there after a fun dinner at Hoop-Dee-Doo. 

We got to the park a little after 7. To us, that meant we had some time to kill before Happily Ever After. Some people were already getting spots. In retrospect, we probably should've as well.

But instead we went through the castle and off to Fantasyland. I showed my dad the Cinderella fountain because he didn't know about it. It's a pretty fountain and if you kneel in front of it, looks like there's a crown on Cinderella's head.

The carousel was only a 15-minute wait and I've been wanting to ride it for the last few trips. It did look like it was going around really fast. But I guess it has been a long time since I've been on one. It was a fun ride and didn't make me feel sick which I had feared. Although it was hard for me to get on and off. That made me feel very out of shape and fat.

The park seemed to be get more and more crowded. So, we stopped at the best bathrooms, did the Rapunzel lantern magic shot, and then we were off to get a spot for the fireworks.

Up next: 2 New Nighttime Shows