Thursday, September 8, 2016

Day 6, Part 4: Mark Twain!

Once dad finished his phone call, we decided to ride the Liberty Belle Riverboat which we've never done before. I did stop to buy a Powerade because I was feeling funny and want to replenish my electrolytes.

We sat outside on the bottom of the boat. It was a nice view and we got to sit which was a nice bonus. But we did have trouble hearing the audio. It was still peaceful and something I recommend.

The ride finished around 6:30 and we had 7:05 fastpasses for Space Mountain so we were off to Tomorrowland.

Buzz was a 15 minute wait so we hopped in line. Dad asked if I would drive so he could focus on shooting. I think he got 500,000 and I got just over 100,000. Driving is definitely a distraction.

We sat outside Space to wait for Denise and our fastpasses.

There was a dance party going on so more people-watching occurred.

Shortly after, Denise arrived and we rode Space Mountain. It's always a thrilling ride.

None of us had eaten anything since Boma so dinner was a must. I wanted a burger really bad so we ended up at Cosmic Ray's. Denise got a burger with green beans instead of fries. And dad got the pulled pork. It was a good meal and I liked the fixin's bar.

Up next: Getting a Different Perspective

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