Thursday, August 25, 2016

Day 6, Part 3: Muggy Nights

Back at the hotel I got in bed to take a nap. my plan was a forty-five minute map and waking up at 3. That did not happen. Every time my alarm went off I reset it.

Around 4:30 I finally forced myself out of bed and texted my dad to see what the plan for the night was. He said we should meet at the Magic Kingdom around 5.

So I got ready and headed to the bus stop. Of course the MK bus was taking forever and it was raining. This time of day and MK buses don't seem to get along. The ETA for the bus kept getting pushed back.

It did finally stop raining and looked like it wouldn't start again which was nice. But it was super muggy. I hoped that would get better as the sun went down. That's what happened every night except the previous night for the Halloween party. Does anyone else feel like the humidity zaps all your energy away?

Finally got to the park around 5:20. I chilled on the rocking chairs by Tony's and discussed possible dinner and attraction plans. I didn't take notes so I don't completely remember what we talked about.

I do remember it being peaceful and I want to just sit around and people watch on future trips.

My dad had to take a call at one point-probably to talk about the horses back home. So, I was kind of on my own for a little bit.

A dad parked his umbrella stroller by me. He made a comment about me watching it because it was super expenseive. Such a dad thing to say and I wish I wrote down exactly what he said. I told my dad about it because we would love it. He always talked about how during our first trip when I was three he bought an umbrella stroller and then left it at the end of the trip. Now, so many people use those tanks of a stroller. Have to respect this guy.

Up next: Mark Twain!!!

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