Thursday, April 21, 2022

Trip Report: Charlie Makes Friends (Day 2, Part 2 | December 2021)

 After the Safaris, we just went straight to The Lion King. While in line, I grabbed a LL reservation at Test Track for 3:35. Charlie and I both enjoyed the show. I really liked seeing all of the performers again. Even if the birds aren’t flying. 

The Merry Menagerie puppets were out again. So, we said “Hi” really quick and then went through the Tree of Life trails, I haven’t been there in awhile so it was nice to take in the details. 

We were headed to Epcot to meet up with my parents’ friends who had dinner reservations at Space 220 and invited us. But before we left, we saw another round of puppets. Charlie got to reconnect with his siblings-Pip, Squeak, and Steve. Then we hopped to Epcot on a bus.

Since I had that LL for Test Track, we headed there first. Then, we went to Space 220 to wait. I looked around the area and played around with the lenses included with Genie+. My parents’ friends didn’t show up so they texted. Apparently my parents misread the original text invitation and the reservation was really for Friday. I was not pleased, but we aren’t going to get into it. I may have had a bit of an attitude for about the next hour.

I looked for dinner reservations pretty much anywhere. Everytime I’d see one, it would be gone before I could secure it. We ended up deciding to just eat at Magic Kingdom. We took the monorail to the TTC and then the ferry to Magic Kingdom because we never take the ferry. 

The park was still open for a few hours for day guests. We mobile-ordered at Peco Bill’s which is one of my favorites. I went with the 1971 meal because I was going to get the nachos anyway. The cake pop was a bit underwhelming. I still liked my nachos, but the 1971 meal isn’t worth it in my opinion. I also booked a LL for Buzz at 6:50. 

After we ate and rested for a bit we went to Tomorrowland to use our Buzz Lightning Lane. I got around 200K which is pretty low for me. 

Then, we stood on the pavement in the hub to watch Enchantment for the first time. Apparently, they fill in the road/street right before the show starts. It was nice to see more fireworks in the nighttime FIREWORKS show, but it did lack something for me. I was happy to see Tinker Bell fly still.

As the day guests left the park, we walked against the masses to get our part wristbands. The pick up location was in Tomorrowland on the left behind the old Stitch ride. My back started to hurt, but I was going to push through because we spent a lot of money on this event.

We did ride Buzz again. I did better this time-I got around 500K. Charlie was also excited for the holiday festivities. 

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