Thursday, January 18, 2018

Trip Report: Journey Over the World

If you missed the last post you can read it here.

Since we couldn't test track, we decided to check out Mission Space. The green version-which had recently been updated-was a walk on.

I've never done any version of Mission Space. And don't think I'll ever do the Orange/Intense version because I'm a baby with a sensitive stomach.

We rode with a little girl and her dad. She couldn't even touch the buttons it was so cute. It was an interesting ride, but didn't blow me away. And it's over pretty quickly. I would ride again, but only if I was in the area and it was another walk on.

The storm was still going on. we got an email from Disney that Test Track was closed so we could use our FP up to 9 (if it cam back online). Or we could use it on another attraction.

Dad suggested Soarin' which was new, too. But I kibashed that. Even though Mission Space isn't super-crazy it still upset my stomach. As I get older, motion is harder and harder for me to deal with.

So, we went for a go-to favorite-Spaceship Earth. It's always a relaxing ride and kept us out of t he rain for a decent amount of time. For some reason, part of my dad's head was cut off in the picture.

Then we decided to leave Epcot. We hopped on the monorail to go back to the Magic Kingdom. This time there was no security check. I seem to have an obsession with Disney security.

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