Thursday, October 19, 2017

Packing for Disney World

I love packing and prepping for vacation. That may be weird, but it's true.

This isn't going to be my whole list, but it does have some guidelines. Maybe someday I'll post my whole list. I'm just too lazy to do it right now.

Typically I separate my packing list into several categories/sections.

I. Clotes
-Tops (2 more than the # of days)
-Bottoms (1 more than the # of days)
 *If I have jeans/jean shorts then I won't bring this much because those are easy to re-wear.
*Lately I've been exclusively wearing leggings though
-At least two sweaters/hoodies
-Socks (2 more than the # of days)
-Underwear (2 more than the # of days)
 -Andy closthes for specialty meals/events

II. Toiletries
There are basic shower things in the Disney hotels and most hotels, but I bring my own shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.
This is a pretty individual section like I bring most of my skincare and hair care products.
*But the most important things to remember: deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush

III. First Aid
-RX and daily medications
-Pain Reliever
-Tums/imodium/stomach meds
-Feminine products (if needed)

IV. Technology
This is another individual one. Since I try to film/vlog I have to be prepared for that
-SD Cards
-Charging Cords/cables
-Extra camera batteries
-External phone charger

V. Everything Else
-Money/credit cards
-Physical copies of your reservations

If there's anything you think I missed let me know.

Thanks for reading!

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