Thursday, September 29, 2016

Day 7, Part 1: Father-Daughter Epcot Morning

This morning I woke up a little before 7:30 which was when my alarm was set to go off. Since I went to bed so quickly last night I had to shower this morning and rock wet hair which isn't my favorite thing.

Around 8, I left the room and went to the food court for the breakfast of champions: a cheese danish and root beer.

Then, it was time to get a bus to Epcot. This took forever. Like 2 busses for every other park showed up before an Epcot one. There was an adorable little girl on the bus. I offered to stand so she could sit but her mom said she was fine. And it looked like she discovered some blue eyeshadow that morning. I guess she was playing adult.

I got to the park around 9.

I was sprinkling a little and I met my dad at what I call the "dancing fountain".

We decided to ride Test Track which was maybe 20-30 minute to wait. Our car did pretty well and had a score of 207.

Then we stopped Mousegears and dad picked up a Grumpy shirt. It was much needed since he was running out of shirts to wear.

We were on our way to The Land because we wanted to ride Soarin'. Unfortunately, it had a sixty minute wait so we decided to skip it and did Living with the Land instead. Having done the Behind the Seeds tour added a different perspective to it which I enjoyed.

Our boat ride was over at about 10:30 so we went to the Seas to stay dry and cool. I was hoping there would be manatees because they are my favorite animals.

And there were!!!

They had two adorable manatees named Lou and Lil' Joe. So, I watched them swim around for a little bit.

We checked on some of the other tanks, too. Cuttlefish are so freaky looking. And there was a white starfish with black parts. It looked like a toasted marshmallow.

Maybe I was getting hungry!

Up next: Boats, Boats, Boats

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Day 6, Part 6: Spiders Scare Me

After Wishes to avoid the mass-exodus we started toward Adventureland. We decided to use our Jungle Cruise FP.

Typically my dad and I aren't a huge fan of this attraction. But we heard it can be different at night.

Obviously, I couldn't know this, but there is a tarantula in a cage and it moves. I leaned against the crate it was on and it moved. That was quite the surprise.

Our skipper was great and it was a fun ride. The skippers on the dock were joking around and causing all kinds of trouble ;)

Then, we were ready to head out. I wanted to stop at Starbucks first to get one of the You Are Here mugs. I wanted them from all four parks but those suckers are heavy and I already purchased several mugs. So, hopefully they will continue to have them and buy more on future trips.

When I get to the bust stop there were two Movies buses already waiting. I had to stand but was grateful just to get back to the hotel.

I was exhausted and went to bed as quickly as I could.

Up next: Father-Daughter Epcot Morning

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Day 6, Part 5: Getting a Different Perspective

It was a little after 9 when we finished up. I checked the app and it said Splash was a 10 minute wait and we had 8:25 fastpassess for Big Thunder so it would make sense to be in Frontierland. Plus, dad wanted to film it with his GoPro.

The first time we rode his camera had died because he accidentally left it on.

Now, my dad and I are both scared by this ride. This time when we got to the drop I took in the nice view and then closed by eyes.

It's a great ride, but screams of pure terror came out of my mouth.

Then, it was time for the wildest ride in the wilderness.

After we did a little re-group and make plans.

Coming into the night we had Jungle Cruise fastpasses for 6 but we weren't feeling is. We tried to change it to the Main Street Electrical Parade. Even though it was showing available it wouldn't let us. The app just pushed the Jungle Cruise FP back to 9:45. We didn't want to fight it so we decided to just not worry about it.

Instead, I suggested going to New Fantasyland. We wanted a snack at Gaston's and then watch Wishes from Fantasyland.

We all got LeFou's Brew and I bought a chocolate croissant. That croissant was delicious, but I probably should've skipped it because then I was so uncomfortably full.

Then, we caught Wishes from the front of New Fantasyland. I do not suggest watching from here if it's your first time because you don't get the whole view. You actually have to keep turning your head since the fireworks go off over Cinderella and Beast's Castles. But it was still nice and less crowded.

Up next: Spiders Scare Me

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Day 6, Part 4: Mark Twain!

Once dad finished his phone call, we decided to ride the Liberty Belle Riverboat which we've never done before. I did stop to buy a Powerade because I was feeling funny and want to replenish my electrolytes.

We sat outside on the bottom of the boat. It was a nice view and we got to sit which was a nice bonus. But we did have trouble hearing the audio. It was still peaceful and something I recommend.

The ride finished around 6:30 and we had 7:05 fastpasses for Space Mountain so we were off to Tomorrowland.

Buzz was a 15 minute wait so we hopped in line. Dad asked if I would drive so he could focus on shooting. I think he got 500,000 and I got just over 100,000. Driving is definitely a distraction.

We sat outside Space to wait for Denise and our fastpasses.

There was a dance party going on so more people-watching occurred.

Shortly after, Denise arrived and we rode Space Mountain. It's always a thrilling ride.

None of us had eaten anything since Boma so dinner was a must. I wanted a burger really bad so we ended up at Cosmic Ray's. Denise got a burger with green beans instead of fries. And dad got the pulled pork. It was a good meal and I liked the fixin's bar.

Up next: Getting a Different Perspective