Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Going to Disney World in the Summer

 After saying I would never do it, I went to Disney World in the summer. I can barely handle New York summers so I was definitely anxious about how I would handle it. I’m also not a very small person. And you know what? It wasn’t that bad. In fact, I would definitely go in the summer again. But I wanted to talk about my experience.

Florida is definitely hot and humid. That’s just a fact. I’m not sure I’ve ever sweat that much in my life. I’ve seen people recommend bringing a change of clothes. I never felt like I needed that. I did wear mostly tank tops and denim skirts. To avoid chafing, I wore Jockey slip shorts or bike shorts. Both of those I highly recommend. 

I brought a rechargeable fan, but I never really used it. I also ended up buying one of those cooling towels, but never used it either.

There was one rough day where I think I almost got heatstroke. I thought I was taking care of myself, but apparently not. After some rest and upping my water intake, I never had a problem again. I also added a Powerade to my daily routine.

Water and rests are two of my biggest recommendations. Drink water and drink it consistently. Maybe throw in a Powerade or Gatorade. Also, take breaks. The breaks can be going back to the hotel room or pool. But it can also just be sitting on a bench or seeing a show that’s in AC like Hall of Presidents, Carousel of Progress, or the American Adventure. 

I also made a video talking about this topic. You can check that out on my YouTube channel or below if you are interested:

Thanks for reading!

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