Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trip Report: Traveling During Covid (Day 1, Part 1| November 2020)

 Today we begin the 2020 trip report. This has been planned since we did our 2019 father-daughter trip (if not earlier). It was supposed to be my dad, stepmom, and I. 

Then, Covid happened. 

I could talk forever about Covid and Disney, but I don't want to. The important thing in relation to this trip is that my stepmom ended up not being able to go. So, this turned into another father-daughter trip. I finally got a reservation for a Little Mermaid room at Art of Animation. But it didn’t make sense to have two rooms anymore so I cancelled and tagged along with my dad at Saratoga Springs.

Onto the actual trip.

I had all these plans to get tons of sleep the week before we left. I wanted to be well-rested for Disney. But I ended up super stressed and didn’t sleep well.

I spent the night before our trip at my dad’s because we were flying out of Buffalo and he lives a little closer. I had to wake up at 4:15 and probably only got four hours of sleep.

We were out the door around 4:45. We took my car so I ended up driving. I also almost hit a deer! That would’ve been a horrible start to a trip.

Check-in and security was very quick. We both have TSA pre-check, but there were only like 3 other people there. And the parking lot was so empty.

Our flight ended up having 34 people on it. Southwest was boarding 10 people at a time-we were one of the first ones on the plane.

The flight attendant was funny. During her safety spiel she said it was a no smoking and no complaining flight. 🤣

I was hoping to sleep a little on the plane, but, as is usually the case for me, I couldn’t. Instead I did Soduko puzzles and watched YouTube videos I had downloaded before the trip. It felt very safe to fly-everyone masked up and we sat distant from everyone. 

We landed early-a bit after 10 am. That was nice and happens a lot. We got to baggage claim easily. The airport felt dead which was weird. But we had a lot of issues finding Magical Express. The wait for our bus was maybe 20 minutes. We were seated around 11:20 which was perfect because the new Holo Taco collection was releasing then. I did get my order in if you were concerned.

Up Next: Arriving at Saratoga Springs

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