Thursday, April 12, 2018

Trip Report: Father-Daughter Date Night

If you missed the last update you can check it out here.

Dad and I actually had to wait quite awhile for a bus. While we waited, I was able to pick up a Living with the Land FastPass.

When we finally got to Epcot Dad was pretty thirsty. So, we swung by Club Cool for free drinks. I just had 3 cups of Bibo which is probably my favorite.

On our way to The Land pavilion we did a little detour to hit up the bathroom and check out the Light Lab. It was pretty small, but cool looking. Then we did a nice ride on Living with the Land. I do miss the alligators which are never there anymore.

After our ride, I wanted to stop in Mousegears to look for Epcot 35 merchandise. Unfortunately, they didn't have a lot left. We did run into one of my cousins and family who were also shopping. So, we stopped to chat for a little bit. On our way to World Showcase and dinner we were distracted by bright lights and Christmas trees. They were filming Wheel of Fortune. I tried to get video/pictures, but it was a pretty limited view.

We were distracted a few too many times, because then we had to really book it to Italy. We were a few minutes late, but were seated with no issues.

We got a pepperoni pizza to share and talked. Via Napoli is a very loud restaurant, but we were still able to talk. The pizza was very good. It's definitely becoming a must do for us even with the noise.

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