Friday, February 5, 2016

Day 4, Part 5: But I Like Old People

It was a little after 8 when we got out of Pioneer Hall. We practically ran to the boats because we wanted to catch the 9 PM showing of the Electrical Water Pageant at the Poly.

The boat pulled away right when we got there. We were a little upset because they had to see us coming and it wasn't full. 

There was another boat docked that was going to the Contemporary. I suggested getting on that one and taking the monorail to the Poly. So that's what we did and some other people followed us.

I think I adopted a family on the first boat ride of the night. I was helping them at Fort Wilderness, they followed us this time, and I had to point them to the monorail. The dad thanked me for helping them all night.

I don't people well in my real life and have a lot of social anxiety but in Disney a lot of that disappears. I figure if I can make someone's Disney vacation easier I will.

We were able to watch the Pageant on the beach. I put my feet in the sand and it was nice and peaceful.

Then, we went to their room to watch Wishes at 10. They had a view of the castle so I thought it would be a good idea.

In the elevator there was a young family and one of the sons complained about being stuck one of the sons complained about being stuck on the elevator with old people (my parents). I'm guessing the mom and dad were mortified, but we found it funny and told them so. When we stepped out the boy said something like "but I like old people." It's become a reoccurring joke for us.

It was cool to see the fireworks, but there was no music which was disappointing.

Then, I had to go back to the Magic Kingdom to catch a bus to Movies. The monorail part was easy, but when I stepped off the monorail it was absolute madness.

Fortunately, I knew where my bus stop was so I acted like a human frogger to get to my bus stop in Siberia. There were like 3 bus loads of people in front of me, but the wait wasn't that bad because they were cranking the buses through.

And they had a guy directing us. I wish I knew his name so I could've given him some recognition. He had us moving efficiently. And he was chipper the whole time. The job has to be heard because you're dealing with angry tired people.

When I got back to the hotel I did my usually nightly things and went to sleep.

Steps walked: 21,222
Miles traveled: 10.9

Up next: EMH @ Epcot...sort of

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