Thursday, November 5, 2020

Trip Report: The Last Morning (Day 8, Part 1 | December 2019)

If you missed the last update, you can find it here. 

Sadly, today is the day we leave. I got up, showered, and finished packing. We said good-bye to our room a little before 9 and took our bags to airline check-in. That is one of my favorite perks by the way. It makes flying out so much easier.

Then, we were off to Magic Kingdom. I always like to end my trip at Magic Kingdom. That park is peak magic. 

The bus stop was pretty busy, but two busses showed up close together. We got on the 1st one and were off.

We buzzed through security. The security guard commented that I was ready for her. I try to be prepared and have all my zippers opened so it was as easy as possible for them.

We decided our first ride would be Big Thunder because it's the best! Touring Plans said the wait should be 20 minutes. It ended up being more like 40. But Splash Mountain had gone down so I’m sure that was a factor.

Then, we headed to Sleepy Hollow for breakfast. I’m not a huge nutella fan, but I am obsessed with the nutella and fresh fruit waffle. It’s filling and a good price. While eating, our phone’s got a push notification that Hollywood Studios would be opening early tomorrow-6 AM.

Up Next: Final Rides of the Trip

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