Thursday, February 13, 2020

Trip Report Day 1, Part 2: Animal Watching (December 2019)

Date: November 30, 2019

If you missed the last update, you check it out here.

After the show we headed over to Africa to check out Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail. This isn't my favorite trail, but it is still good. There were two young gorillas (brother I think) playing/fighting with each other. It was exciting! There was also a mom with a baby but she was sitting next to a post and a lot of people were trying to see her so I had trouble getting a picture.

Is there a process for this? I try to only stay near the glass for a couple minutes so others can get a good luck. But other people don't seem to care. 🤷

Then, we got on the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch/Conservation Station. I don't even remember the last time I went here. We did have a FastPass for the Animation Experience. This was actually a last minute FP. We replaced our Dinosaur FP with it. That was such a good idea, because this attraction was hopping.

We did still have some time to kill first. There was an animal care story soon, so we sat and watched that. We got to learn about a sheep. She was very excited to see her caregiver and show off. Disney doesn't teach tricks. They work on performing natural behaviors on command. This makes it easier to care for them.

Then we walked around the petting zoo area. I like that there are places for the animals to go if they don't want to interact with people. And there are tons of Cast Members keeping an eye on things.

I wanted to watch another animal care story and we still had time. this time it was a goat. She was an older goat so they really let her do whatever she wants.

Then, we went inside and looked at the other animal and lab stuff. There was a medical treatment earlier in the day. Someday I'll be able to see something. You do get to see things like how they feed them. Every individual animal has their own nutrition animal. That is amazing!

And it was time for the Animation Experience. They give you a pencil, lap desk, and a paper with some guidelines. There's an animator who walks you through the drawing and there are 2 large TV screens that show you what the animator is drawing. 

Before we got started, they showed us a video about an animal from the park that represents the character we would draw. We were drawing Tick-Tock, the crocodile from Peter Pan. The video was of one of the Nile crocodiles you see on Kilimanjaro Safaris. I think his name was Blue and he was one of the top-dog crocs.

It is definitely a fast experience-perfectionists be warned. Dad and I enjoyed it. We would definitely do it again. And it is worth the FastPass. My drawing isn't perfect, but pretty good considering I have next to no artistic ability.

Then, we headed back to Africa via the train. I was starting to feel the early morning flight, but I will push through!

Up Next: Pandora!

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