Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 2, Part 4: Nobody’s going to follow a stick

Lunch was over and the plan was to check out Africa and do the Safaris. But we checked the wait times one more time and they just kept going up so we called an audible.

Instead we caught the last Flights of Wonder show. This was great because we thought the show was down during our trip.

It’s a great show and if you haven’t seen it you should make it a priority. One of the birds was being a little trouble maker but he was cute. And the unpredictability of live animals is part of what makes the show so fun.

Then, it was off to Dinoland because our Dinosaur fastpasses were ready. The posted wait time was only 20 minutes so we got in the stand by line before using our fastpasses.

20 minute wait my butt. It was a complete walk on. We always try to do funny and crazy pictures because Denise is afraid. At this point, you probably think my dad and I are horrible people. Maybe we are.

First, we went for a traditional scared face which was inspired by my favorite emoji.

Then, we rode again with our fastpasses. This time we tried to act bored.

Man, I love this ride. And the pre-show. And Felicia Rashad.

There were some hilarious shirts in the gift shop. I wish I had bought them.

Next, we headed into It’s Tough to be a Bug. Another fun and entertaining attraction. I really like the bug themed movie posters in the waiting area.

When the show let out it was almost 6 so we decided to head out. It was a good afternoon at Animal Kingdom.

Up next: Dine, dance, drink, and bowl!

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