Thursday, August 1, 2019

Trip Report: Christmas Light Viewing (December 2018)

If you missed the last update, you can check it out here.

It was dark when we got out of dinner and it was time to make use of our golf cart.

We were driving around the campground looking at people's Christmas decorations. People really go all out-lights, projections, blow-ups. We ended up behind one of the horse-pulled sleighs for a little bit. And there were a bunch of people checking out the decorations.

A little bit before the trip, dad and I had watched a Tim Tracker video of  them looking at the displays. There was a huge Cinderella display which we were looking for and it was still there. You could walk in a building and check out stuff-which I did. 

I loved checking out all the lights and highly recommend checking them out. It was totally worth the golf cart rental.

Then, we made our way back to the Polynesian. I checked out the lobby and then dad and I hung out on the beach to watch the Electrical Water Pageant. It's like my dad's favorite thing and I enjoy it.

We headed back to the room and got ready for bed. This was a great 30th birthday.

Up next: Crazy Morning Call